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GCP Platform Engineer

ING Hubs

We are looking for you, if you:

  • have Infrastructure as Code mindset (Our techstack: Terraform with Azure DevOps pipelines),
  • have experience with public cloud (preferably GCP) and building platforms on top of it,
  • are experienced with managed GCP services (e.g. GKE, GCS, BQ, Dataproc),
  • demonstrate skills at programming (Python & Go preferred),
  • got hands-on experience with monitoring, logging and alerting,
  • You have knowledge in secure authentication and encrypted workloads (OIDC, KMS, client/server SSL/TLS and etc),
  • can clearly express ideas, facts and opinions. Experience elaborating complex ideas as part of design pages, which makes you great to collaborate with.

English level - B2

You'll get extra points for:

  • contribution to Open-Source projects,
  • distributed cloud computing and storage on GCP,
  • ability to optimize code and infra,
  • automate everything mindset.

Your responsibilities:

  • building a platform and supporting its tenants,
  • data analytics platform components maintenance,
  • architecture development and experiments,
  • preparing cloud-ready and IaC-based solutions,
  • managing monitoring and alerting for the platform.

Information about the squad:

ING is now building its Data Analytics Platform in Google Cloud! It is to help ING to be even more data-driven. This is a joined effort between ING units and you are going to be part of distributed multi-national and multi-cultural team. There is plenty of work and fun down this road!

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Engineer IV”.

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Presenta la candidatura

In ING vogliamo che le persone possano dare il meglio di sé. Per questo, creiamo una cultura inclusiva dove tutti possono crescere e fare la differenza per i nostri clienti e la società. Promuoviamo sempre diversità, uguaglianza e inclusione. Non tolleriamo nessuna forma di discriminazione: per età, genere, identità di genere, cultura, esperienza, religione, razza, disabilità, responsabilità familiari, orientamento sessuale o altro. Se hai bisogno di supporto o un aiuto durante il processo di selezione o colloquio, contatta il reclutatore indicato nell'annuncio. Saremo felici di aiutarti per rendere tutto giusto e accessibile. Clicca qui per scoprire di più sul nostro impegno per diversità e inclusione.

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