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Junior Mainframe Engineer (replacement contract)

ING Hubs

ING Hubs Poland is hiring!

We are looking for you, if you:

  • have some proven experience in IT environment,

  • have general knowledge regarding IT,

  • have ability to make a fast decisions and work under pressure,

  • have teamwork skills,

  • are communicative and open to new challenges,

  • have Bachelor’s degree, preferably related to IT,

  • know English (B2 level),

  • minimum 1 year of experience as a Mainframe operator (Unisys or Z/OS.),

  • agree to work on the basis of a replacement contract.

You’ll get extra points for:

  • IT Certificates confirming your IT knowledge.

Your responsibilities:

  • installing changes in IT Systems,
  • working with apps like ITSM and apps dedicated for IT monitoring,
  • working with incidents and IT problems connected with applications by using command line and dedicated applications.

Information about the squad:

You will join the team where you will be responsible for resolving incident and IT problems by using command line and dedicated tools. You will perform IT operations in systems which are used in ING Group, on top of that you're going to install changes in such systems like: operating systems, data bases, network), you will be responsible for Disaster Recovery, working with ITSM and monitoring IT. This is a job in a shift system.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Engineer I”.

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Presenta la candidatura

In ING vogliamo che le persone possano dare il meglio di sé. Per questo, creiamo una cultura inclusiva dove tutti possono crescere e fare la differenza per i nostri clienti e la società. Promuoviamo sempre diversità, uguaglianza e inclusione. Non tolleriamo nessuna forma di discriminazione: per età, genere, identità di genere, cultura, esperienza, religione, razza, disabilità, responsabilità familiari, orientamento sessuale o altro. Se hai bisogno di supporto o un aiuto durante il processo di selezione o colloquio, contatta il reclutatore indicato nell'annuncio. Saremo felici di aiutarti per rendere tutto giusto e accessibile. Clicca qui per scoprire di più sul nostro impegno per diversità e inclusione.

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