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Manager zespołu (Chapter Lead)

ING Hubs

ING Hubs Poland is hiring!

We are looking for you, if you:

  • Higher education (e.g., computer science, management, economics) or other relevant fields.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience working in the IT sector in a managerial position.
  • Experience in team management.
  • Ability to motivate teams, set work standards, support their development, and experience in managing organizational and process transformation.
  • Conducting effective communication with existing and potential stakeholders.
  • Experience in recruitment, conducting annual reviews, setting goals, and supporting employee career development.
  • Ability to balance achieving business goals with employee development.
  • Experience in ensuring project quality.
  • Ability to assess technical needs and anticipate technology development directions.

Your responsibilities:

  • manage a team of 20+ engineers (developers, DevOps, and Ops),
  • establish standards for development and innovation within the area of expertise while ensuring quality execution,
  • collaborate with potential stakeholders to explore new areas for cooperation,
  • work closely with stakeholders and product owners to define new features and technical requirements for the team. Translate expectations into real business value,
  • oversee HR activities, including recruitment, annual performance reviews, and goal setting,
  • conduct regular meetings with team members to support their career development,
  • identify and nurture new talent within the team,
  • drive continuous improvement through on-the-job coaching and foster a feedback-driven culture within teams,
  • maintain a balance between achieving team results and focusing on people development.

    Information about the squad:

    Our area is part of the Engineering & Data Platforms department, which provides a comprehensive and cohesive developer experience while fostering a culture rooted in an inner-sourcing strategy. We also offer advanced engineering capabilities to support data platforms, as well as AI/ML solutions and features.

    We specialize in developing platforms using various technologies, tailored to the specific needs of a given system or domain.

    The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be Chapter Lead Engineer III.

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    Presenta la candidatura

    In ING vogliamo che le persone possano dare il meglio di sé. Per questo, creiamo una cultura inclusiva dove tutti possono crescere e fare la differenza per i nostri clienti e la società. Promuoviamo sempre diversità, uguaglianza e inclusione. Non tolleriamo nessuna forma di discriminazione: per età, genere, identità di genere, cultura, esperienza, religione, razza, disabilità, responsabilità familiari, orientamento sessuale o altro. Se hai bisogno di supporto o un aiuto durante il processo di selezione o colloquio, contatta il reclutatore indicato nell'annuncio. Saremo felici di aiutarti per rendere tutto giusto e accessibile. Clicca qui per scoprire di più sul nostro impegno per diversità e inclusione.

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