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Pega Developer

ING Hubs

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Key Responsibilities

Learning and Development: Gain a deep understanding of Pega’s tools and best

practices through training and hands-on experience.

Application Development: Assist in the design and development of Pega applications,

focusing on creating and modifying workflows, user interfaces, and business logic.

Collaboration: Work closely with Senior Developers, Customer Journey Experts (CJE),

and other stakeholders to gather requirements and ensure the applications meet

business needs.•Troubleshooting: Begin to troubleshoot and resolve minor/major issues within Pega

applications, with support from more experienced colleagues.

Continuous Improvement: Actively seek feedback and engage in learning opportunities

to enhance your Pega skills and knowledge.

Key Capabilities/Experience

Proficiency in Pega concepts and some practical experience with its development


Experience in basic Pega application design and customization

Understanding of Pega case management and workflow principles

Experienced in Agile / Scrum / DevOps projects.

Have great analytical skills and have a conceptual / architectural understanding.

Experienced working in a complex, regulated environment such as a large financial


Minimum Qualifications

Minimum of 1-2 years of experience in Pega development

Pega Certification: Certified System Architect (CSA) – preferred but not mandatory

Fluent in English speaking and writing and a good communicator in general.

Able to bring all ideas/opinions to one conclusion to help make decisions.

Up to date with new Technology and have a deep understanding of when to use it.

Humble in approach and not afraid to be wrong.

Proud of what they do and enjoy sharing this with your external network.

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