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Senior Analyst

ING Hubs

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  • Provides detailed and comprehensive support/expertise to 1 or more areas of business by taking on and being responsible for associated organizational/ operational/process management tasks.
  • Requires in-depth experience and a high (advanced or expert) proficiency knowledge level in several aspects of a process
  • Closely communicate with internal stakeholders about the identified issues, exceptions and backlogs that need urgent attention, seek and follow through for resolutions in a timely manner.
  • Understands the complex process environment to ensure maximum efficiency.
  • Delivers, within a broad and integrated environment, high-quality (custom) solutions for the processing of standard products/files.
  • Is considered as a specialist in a number of processes/products (high risk related) and usually works on a 
    day-to-day basis in an environment of a medium level of complexity with minimal supervision
  • Has knowledge of the latest developments in the internal market and integrates this knowledge into day-to-day activities. Reports deviations to the appropriate person/body.
  • Understands the mission and vision of the company and has the ability to integrate this in day-to-day activities or as input for projects. 
  •  Acts in line with ING rules and policies and monitors compliance with these regulations.
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