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Afstudeerstage ING Mortgages NL

ING Bank


At ING, we believe it’s your ideas, not your age that matter. As part of our team, you’ll work in a dynamic, international environment where you learn at a fast pace and be hands-on from the start.

Our ambition is to help build a financially healthy and sustainable society for the Netherlands. A central part of our mission is expanding our reporting on finance sustainability. You’ll be part of the team exploring, investigating and implementing our reporting structure. It’s an opportunity to learn about sustainability and related financial disclosure requirements.

How to succeed

To take on this challenging and rewarding opportunity, you’ll need:

• Master or Bachelor (third-year bachelor) student with a strong interest in Sustainability / Sustainable Development and Finance

• Strong communication and interpersonal skills

• High ambition and energy level

• Organisational and project management skills

• Fluency in business English and ideally oral proficiency in Dutch

Rewards and benefits

This is a great opportunity to train with highly skilled people who are experts in their field. You’ll do a lot and learn a lot –

not only about your specialist area and the bank, but also about yourself and whether this type of environment is right for you.

You’ll also benefit from:

• Flexibility to work from home and the office in Amsterdam

• Time and support for your personal development

• Internship allowance

About our internships

Every year, more than 500 students join our internship program. While there are no guarantees about your future, many of our

former interns move into a permanent role or onto our International Talent Programme (traineeship).

Whatever happens, an internship at ING is the ideal opportunity to meet a wide variety of people, to build up your own network,

and to learn about many different aspects of banking – put simply, it’s a great start to your career.

Your place of work Explore the area

Vragen? Stel ze aan
Joëlle Wursten


Bij ING willen we het beste uit mensen halen. Daarom hebben we een inclusieve cultuur waarin iedereen de kans krijgt om te groeien en een verschil te maken voor onze klanten en de samenleving. Diversiteit, gelijkheid en inclusie staan bij ons altijd voorop. We behandelen iedereen eerlijk, ongeacht leeftijd, geslacht, genderidentiteit, culturele achtergrond, ervaring, geloof, ras, etniciteit, beperking, gezinssituatie, seksuele geaardheid, sociale afkomst of wat dan ook. Heb je hulp nodig of kunnen we iets voor je doen tijdens je sollicitatie of gesprek? Neem dan contact op met de recruiter die bij de vacature vermeld staat. We werken graag samen met jou om het proces eerlijk en toegankelijk te maken. Lees hier meer over hoe wij staan voor diversiteit, inclusie en erbij horen.

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