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Private Banker - Business Developer Dutch speaking markets

ING Bank


As a Private Banker, you are the driving force behind commercial development on the Flemish and Dutch market. Your missions consist in particular of:

  • Develop a portfolio of existing clients by offering them a wealth management approach as well as financial products and services adapted to their needs;
  • Maintain and develop a network of business providers in order to acquire new customers;
  • Process customer requests while adequately documenting them from a tax, financial and patrimonial point of view.
  • Offer customers optimal service, while meeting the bank's requirements in terms of due diligence and compliance;
  • Coordinate the various customer relations stakeholders to make the customer experience a success;
  • Participate in different projects to ensure the consistency and continuity of the profession and face the challenges of a changing environment.

Your profile :

  • Bac + 4/5 with an economic or commercial orientation, an additional diploma in taxation and/or global wealth planning is an asset.
  • Knowledge of financial management as well as market finance is essential.

Experience :

  • Successful experience in private banking;
  • An ability to develop and maintain a network of business providers;
  • An internationally oriented vision;
  • In-depth knowledge of the Luxembourg market

Skills :

  • Commercial sense ;
  • Financial, tax and asset knowledge;
  • The ability to work in a team.

Languages :

  • Knowledge of Dutch and English is required;
  • Knowledge of other languages is considered an asset.
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