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ING Consumer Lending: ‘supporting our private customers in The Netherlands in their (simple) financing needs, so they can fulfil their goals and dreams’.

You will use and develop your administrative talents at ING: one of the largest, and above all most reliable, banking companies in the Netherlands. We are a bank for young & old.

The world is changing faster and faster and requires us to be flexible, distinctive, and competitive. Innovation is therefore an important subject for us. Precisely because we want to enable people to take a step forward and anticipate the future, we must also do this well ourselves. We also think it is very important to contribute to a sustainable society.

If we want to enable our customers to realize their ideas, we need employees who look ahead. So that they can improve their own future and that of the people around them.

In this position you will calculate whether the loan, which the customer has requested from us, is suitable. You process the requests within the specified time.

Although all applications are done digitally, the processing for most applications is manually. When a request from an ING customer ends up in your hands, they are assured of the best possible help! In order to do so for example, you will have to:

  • verify the Allowance
  • check bank statements for housing cost
  • check pay slip to verify the salary

For the contract processing you also have to work with a number of applications:

  • XCLAS (for the processing of the application itself)
  • BKR (Is the central credit information system of every person with a loan taken out in the Netherlands)
  • Messaging (a workflow tool which selects the file is next to be processed)
  • Tooling in excel (calculates the net income based on the data you entered)
  • Iris (Here you will find customer information, or you can check income or expenses)

We use the “four eyes” principle. At the beginning of your learning journey, you won’t press the "Pay out loan" button yet. If you function well, you can add this development to your package of tasks.

Come and develop yourself in the dynamic banking world at ING and apply for this job today! Have you always been looking for a responsible position where you will work solution-oriented? Are you flexible, knowledgeable, and proactive? Then we are looking for you.


  • College graduate
  • Proficient in written and spoken English.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Affinity with the financial sector; obviously a plus.
  • Working meticulously: You carry out work with great care and precision.
  • Willing to work on mid to night shifts, weekends, holidays and render overtime as needed.

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ING Recruitment team


Bij ING willen we het beste uit mensen halen. Daarom hebben we een inclusieve cultuur waarin iedereen de kans krijgt om te groeien en een verschil te maken voor onze klanten en de samenleving. Diversiteit, gelijkheid en inclusie staan bij ons altijd voorop. We behandelen iedereen eerlijk, ongeacht leeftijd, geslacht, genderidentiteit, culturele achtergrond, ervaring, geloof, ras, etniciteit, beperking, gezinssituatie, seksuele geaardheid, sociale afkomst of wat dan ook. Heb je hulp nodig of kunnen we iets voor je doen tijdens je sollicitatie of gesprek? Neem dan contact op met de recruiter die bij de vacature vermeld staat. We werken graag samen met jou om het proces eerlijk en toegankelijk te maken. Lees hier meer over hoe wij staan voor diversiteit, inclusie en erbij horen.

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