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Business Control Specialist I

ING Hubs


Key Responsibilities

  • Execute Test of Effectiveness on IT key controls (ITGC’s) by comparing the delivered evidence to the required evidence according to the test script
  • Come to a conclusion Effective/Ineffective test and make the required registration to the DEVOPS teams, Trackers, iRisk, etc.
  • Give input to the Subject Matter Experts (SME) for the evaluation of Ineffective test results to determine deficiencies on a regular time interval basis (formal sign-offs)
  • Come up with improvements on the way of testing, required evidence, work-instructions, automation, test scripts, (improvement cycle coordinated by SME)

Key Capabilities/Experience

  • Seniors: At least 4 years experience in IT risk management and testing
  • Juniors: At least 1 year experience in IT risk management and testing
  • Experience in SOX testing on IT General controls is a preference
  • Preferably CISA and CRISC certified

Minimum Qualifications

  • Hands-on, pro-active advise, deliver solutions and answers, explain weaknesses and find solutions to overcome them
  • Being able to overcome resistance, work in short sprints (Agile), work closely with diversity of teams
  • Strong interpersonal, communication and stakeholder management skills are vital to this role. Testers will have frequent interactions with stakeholders. The individual needs to be capable and credible in these situations, as well as with all other stakeholders throughout the business.
  • Has continuous improvement mindset and is willing to perform process improvements
  • Comfortable with daily task tracking
  • Comfortable with doing tasks outside normal job responsibilities (stretch goals)
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