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Intern – Data Governance

ING Bank


ING Bank is looking for a fresh/recent graduate Data Governance Stageur who will give support in the overall compliance of ING Bank Italy to the ING Group policies and standards around Data Governance, working closely with the Data Governance Officer, inside the CDO (Chief Data Officer) organization.

Key Responsibilities:

The Data Governance Stageur will execute specific tasks aiming to enforce the implementation of the ING Data Management Process Control Standards, with specific focus on the Data Governance area.

Under the guidance and coordination of the Data Governance Officer, she/he will have the chance to:

  • improve her/his knowledge about the Data Management and Governance principles, according to the main industry standards (DAMA) and to the ING specific implementation;
  • work in an international and dynamic context, having the chance to interact with colleagues from several other countries in the ING domain;
  • understand the relevance and impact of Data Governance in the banking processes;
  • interact on a daily basis with representatives from all the business and tech departments
  • understand the basis of the reporting processes and architecture in the Bank
  • in particular, she/he will help the Data Governance Officer in:
    • governing the community of Data Owners and Data Stewards;
    • providing support to Data Owners and Stewards in their role;
    • executing the annual monitoring and control exercises regarding the compliance to the Data Management Process Control Standard, defining any required remediation plans and fostering their resolution;
    • working in cooperation with the Data Quality Officer and with the Data Management Tribe to ensure the proper data governance is in place in the data ingestion and data quality processes;
    • reviewing Data Exchange Agreements and provide feedback to CDO before signoff;
    • promoting awareness and communication of the Data Governance model;
    • contributing to the internal reporting of the Bank, in relation to the above activities.


  • Bachelor and/or Master's Degree in Economics, Computer Science, Engineering or similar
  • Problem solving ability and objective oriented
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Strong communicator and team worker
  • Good knowledge of English
Your place of work Explore the area

Vragen? Stel ze aan
Elena Salvi


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