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Data Business Analyst in Global Financial Crime and Fraud Prevention Global TM Optimisation

ING Hubs

We are looking for you if:

  • You have a minimum of 3 years of experience as a Business Analyst and 2 years of experience working with Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
  • You have experience in change projects and initiatives related to AML You have experience in multidisciplinary complex deliveries with at track record of fast learning in the areas of AML/KYC Compliance
  • You have work experience with operations MI/dashboards that provides clear, detailed insights to Operations Teams, as well as condensed views for senior management.
  • You are familiar with Data Quality requirements, specifically from the business and functional level, and you have experience working closely with areas developing and/or running Data Quality scripts.
  • You have experience in designing and developing of the Automated Controls (Data Quality) or working on scenarios where data sets/points are analysed for their completeness and correctness across their full end-to-end lineage.
  • You have experience with concepts of inherent and residual risk, Risk Based Approach, and risk appetite. 
  • You can identify and define problems clearly and propose effective solutions
  • You demonstrate openness to change and the ability to adapt your behaviour to work effectively when faced with new information, changing situation, and/or environment
  • You can establish plans to determine tasks, priorities, and timelines, and identify the resources needed to achieve goals, including managing interdependencies.
  • You are fluent in English.

You'll get extra points for:

  • Master's or Bachelor's degree,
  • Experience and affinity with working together in IT and solution-build driven teams,
  • Strong focus on understanding the regulatory and business requirements and supportive facts and data to build the target operating model design in line with INGs ambitions,
  • Familiarity or awareness of any of the following key regulatory documents, like: EU AMLD5 and AMLD6, USA Patriot Act, FATF, MAS on Prevention of Money Laundering, UK MLR, HKMA AML Guidelines, BCBS239, GDRP
  • Knowledge of domestic and international payment flows like SWIFT and SEPA

Your responsibilities:

  • Defines requirements regarding automated & continuous controls monitoring & data quality (completeness and correctness) checks and controls;
  • Support activities driven by findings from internal or external audits.
  • Identifies areas of impact on Transaction Monitoring (TM) Data and work on risk assessment and solution designing.
  • Evaluate, analyze, and communicate systems/process requirements/improvements on a continuing basis in regards to Completeness and Correctness of TM Data across End-to-End lineage.
  • Prepare and review business and functional documentation regarding data quality controls and requirements.
  • Build effective working relationships with stakeholders and partners across numerous countries, representing wide range of business (IT, Compliance, Data Oversight and management, Operations, Risk) and seniority (analysts, experts, leads/managers, MLRO’s, CDO, etc).
  • Contribute to improvements of the data framework by disseminating lessons learned (and solutions) produced through findings of data completeness and correctness; as well as findings on  existing detective & preventive monitoring controls, disseminating knowledge with stakeholders that leverage same data points.
  • Increasing Awareness of the importance of proper Data Quality among Countries and Global Teams.

Information about the squad:

As part of ING's Global KYC organisation, the TM Optimisation and Data services, you will be join Data Controls Management (DCM) team.

The TM Optimisation and Data services have central teams in The Netherlands, as well as Hub teams in Poland, Romania, Slovakia and The Philippines. Our teams cover Optmisation, Data Area, and Data Controls Managment.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be "KYC Process Design&Control"

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  • Financial Crime & Fraud Prevention Process Design, Warschau, Woiwodschap Mazovië, PolenVerwijderen

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