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Customer Loyalty Member III

ING Hubs

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  • Checks incoming pieces for completeness and correctness, scans them, enriches tasks and prepares messages for national as well as international payment and/or transaction traffic. Authorizes tasks/entries and processes them into systems
  • Review and repair non Straight thru payment instructions
  • Process incoming domestic and cross border transfers
  • Spots deviations, identifies possible risks and follows escalation procedure
  • Answers questions and when required, provides information to colleagues, external parties and/or clients where understanding and interpretation of various information (sources) is necessary.
  • Identifies room for improvement and suggests solutions/adjustments in their own activities
  • Possesses understanding of a number of and/or more complex processes and relevant systems in own field of work.
  • Receives complaints, registers them, solves the complaints within his mandate and escalates them when outside his mandate

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  • Customer Loyalty, Makati City, National Capital Region, FilippineRemove

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