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Senior Digital Customer Journey Expert – Digital Sales BE – Brussels

ING Bank


Possibility of 50% work from home on the basis of a team agreement
CJE - Channel Management III

GJA : 16

Your role & work environment

As a Senior Digital Customer Journey Expert, you will work in the Digital Sales Area BE, Tribe Digital & Customer Interactions. Your success indicator will be the overall digital & mobile sales contribution with a first focus on Grow your money projects related to deposits and investments.

Your key responsibilities

As a Senior Digital Customer Journey Expert, you will develop long term strategic visions to upscale our communication and conversion efforts. You will think through with peers on go to market strategies, critical market effects & actions related to ultimately generate long term qualitative contract openings.

You will perform social media, display and SEA campaigns as well as emailing and app communication towards our ING csutomers. You will work on page optimization on our owned channels to create a positive customer experience  and increase SEO ranking while growing our sales. You will conduct research, contribute to the experiment backlog and leverage on analytic tools, such as Adobe Analytics.

You look for actions to improve our ‘Grow your money’ strategy

  • You think along with the squad on developing projects with high impact on sales & activation for deposit & investment products
  • You run commercial actions (paid/owned) with a close eye on their performances
  • You contirbute to the experimentation efforts and support the squad in that sense
  • You optimize web pages for SEO, conversion & top nutch customer experience
  • You follow up deliveries and make impact on short & long term by spotting new capabilities that could help our sales grow

You identify best practices that can be used in other teams

  • You make sure best practices on SEO, SEA and conversion are shared between the squads of the area
  • You increase the adoption of the conversion capabilities & toolings
  • You maintain stakeholders relationship for the changes you apply

You monitor digital & mobile sales for our products and take data-driven actions

  • You monitor the performance sales capabilities & share group best practices
  • You monitor the sales and performances of our campaigns & actions
  • You are responsible of the SEO ranking of your products
  • You set up experimentations, follow-up and share successful and failed cases.
Your place of work Explore the area

Vragen? Stel ze aan
Noro Zerafi


Bij ING willen we het beste uit mensen halen. Daarom hebben we een inclusieve cultuur waarin iedereen de kans krijgt om te groeien en een verschil te maken voor onze klanten en de samenleving. Diversiteit, gelijkheid en inclusie staan bij ons altijd voorop. We behandelen iedereen eerlijk, ongeacht leeftijd, geslacht, genderidentiteit, culturele achtergrond, ervaring, geloof, ras, etniciteit, beperking, gezinssituatie, seksuele geaardheid, sociale afkomst of wat dan ook. Heb je hulp nodig of kunnen we iets voor je doen tijdens je sollicitatie of gesprek? Neem dan contact op met de recruiter die bij de vacature vermeld staat. We werken graag samen met jou om het proces eerlijk en toegankelijk te maken. Lees hier meer over hoe wij staan voor diversiteit, inclusie en erbij horen.

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