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Senior Accountant

ING Hubs


Job Overview

The Senior Accountant is responsible for the overall accounting and reconciliation of ING Hubs Manila books of accounts which includes the management of processes, practices, and procedures in accordance to IFRS and IAS.

Key Responsibilities

  • Exhibits Technical skills in Accounting and compliance to IFRS and IAS.
  • Strong expertise in Stakeholder Management.
  • Drives and execute strategic initiatives and promotes control mind-set
  • Prepares relevant documents, schedules, and reconciliation for audit submission.
  • Ensures that relevant schedules required by external auditors are completed.
  • Ensures that schedules tie-up with GL balance.

Key Capabilities/Experience

  • Individual Contributwith a proven track record of more than 8 years relevant experience in financial reporting.
  • Must be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, spreadsheets

  • Experience in using computerized GL system, an advantage

  • Understanding of financial reporting is a must
  • Familiarity in Tax, PEZA compliance and reporting, an advantage
  • Ability to lead and support expertise roles ensuring financial targets including controls are met and business continuity is in place.
  • Ability to display flexibility to teams and adapt plan, approach and behavior to the different needs, cultures and situations.
  • Directly reports to the Head of Tax and Accounting
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