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Java DevOps Engineer (API) 

ING Hubs

We are looking for you, if you have:

  • Programming skills in Java, including Spring Framework, Spring Boot, APIs, Spring Security, CRUD, Hibernate/JPA,
  • Scripting experience with e.g. Python, Bash,
  • Knowledge in Azure DevOps, CD/CI tools and pipelines,
  • Familiarity with Agile / Scrum methodology,
  • Strong Team Player attitude and Experience in working with teamscross countries.

English level - B2

You'll get extra points for:

  • Python skills,

  • Oracle RDBMS knowledge/Database knowledge,

  • Linux RHEL experience,

  • Java 17/21.

Your responsibilities:

  • Provide and maintain a database platform based on Oracle in an automated fashion.,
  • Enable teams to spend more time delivering new application features by taking away the burden of managing their database (patching, upgrades, etc.),
  • Maintain and improve the DBaaS API.

Information about the squad:

Oracle Database as a Service (‘Oracle DBaaS’) is part of the Area Data Services and is all about delivering multi-tenant Oracle database services to DevOps teams of ING worldwide, including self service capabilities. The 6 DBaaS squads, working in different countries, take responsibility for the full life-cycle of the service from inception through to development, launch & support. The squads are not only responsible for the service, but also the hardware the service running on.

In ING Hubs Poland we follow the Agile approach, using flexible frameworks like Scrum and Kanban at our everyday work. 

We are innovative and we trust people we work with. The broad autonomy our employees have, stimulates motivation and creativity what allows us to adapt to the changing requirements of business partners.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Engineer IV”.

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