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Qualitative Risk Modeller ESG

ING Bank


ING Italy is looking for a Qualitative Risk Modeler ESG for the ESG Risk Team in the Risk department of ING Italy, which will be dedicated to assessing and managing ESG risk across the bank, both from an inside-out and outside-in perspective. Following societal awareness and regulatory scrutiny on ESG, the team is taking on the challenge to embed ESG Risk across all parts of the organization, seen as a driver of traditional risk types.
The position gives the opportunity to work on embedding upcoming regulatory requirements (e.g. EUT, CSRD, etc).
What you'll do
The ESG risk department which is part of the CRO domain is growing and requires outstanding, innovative, and engaging professionals to join the team. The focus of the team is set on:

Risk identification: classifying assets according to their ESG characteristics in order to support the identification of ESG risks based on specific qualitative and quantitative indicators.

Evaluation: Develop methodologies, policies and processes to measure and assess the potential impact of ESG risks on ING’s exposure.

Action: Based on the results derived from the evaluation, subsequent actions to incorporate ESG risks through the adoption of a business strategy and risk management approach that support the monitoring and control of ESG risks, including targets and limits, changes in the underwriting criteria as well as any changes to the organisational set-up of ING when appropriate.
Who we are looking for
You have:
• A Degree in sustainability, engineering, environmental science
• Broad work experience in interpretating sustainability standards, methodologies and regulations
•Excellent knowledge of English
•Ability to work well under pressure and tight deadlines and willingness to go the extra mile
•Strong communication skills, creative, curious with accountability and desire to learn.
•Constructive attitude and pro-active team player. What we offer
You will be joining an energetic team of highly qualified professionals, which aims to help the bank understand the environment in which it operates and identify the actions that could be taken in order to manage the risk effectively.

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Vragen? Stel ze aan
Teresa Mancino


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