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Specialist Commercial Finance

ING Bank


Commercial Finance specialist (Region North-East) at ING Business Banking NL. Self-organising commercial product specialist. Reliable and expert sparring partner for MidCorporate/SME customers.

ING Business Banking NL works for customers in the full breadth of the small to MidCorporate segment based on a range of service models: Easy Banking, Guided Banking and Relationship Banking. For Guided and Relationship Banking, the sales teams are divided into four regions and are responsible for SME and MidCorp customers. They work as a single team to ensure natural sharing of opportunities, knowledge and market approaches. The objective is to work as a team to deliver the best service available to MidCorporate and SME customers and we always want to exceed these customers’ expectations in the most positive way. Working at Business Banking NL means working in a culture where embracing responsibility, working together in multidisciplinary teams, trusting your colleagues and putting the team’s interests before your own come first.

ING Business Banking NL works in a relationship model for customers at the top end of the business market. They are all customers with complex product needs. As part of Business Banking, ING Commercial Finance provides tailored working capital finance solutions. As a Commercial Finance specialist, you work in a centrally managed sector team to support the regional sales teams (CSTs) with in-depth product and sector knowledge.

What you will do

As Commercial Finance specialist, you have final accountability for all commercial and credit-related ComFin activities for the customers you are responsible for. This means you are also responsible for the commercial growth ambitions of your portfolio. You work in a centrally managed sector team where you are paired with one or more Client Service Teams (CSTs) in one or more regions, with a focus on one or more sectors. This means that you will also be jointly responsible for the entire CST and for customer satisfaction. Accepting ownership and self-management are central. You get the relationship managers interested in using Commercial Finance wherever possible and proactively identify and follow up on sales opportunities.

You are part of a nationwide sector team consisting of +/-10 ComFin specialists. You have end-to-end responsibility for your own customers, from contract to contract. This means that you work both outside the office (i.e. negotiating ComFin transactions with customers including all documentation) and internally (i.e. asset analyses, preparing take-out analyses). You play a key role in the authorisation process and work closely with the region’s Lending specialists. In addition, you work extensively with colleagues within ComFin to give customers and prospects efficient and effective service.

And, of course, you are an enthusiastic ambassador for the Orange Code. Not only do you endorse the code, you actively promote it.

Specific demands of this job

The position of Commercial Finance specialist is specialised and varied, and involves a high degree of accountability. Given the ambitions of Business Banking and our more focused positioning, we are looking for candidates with the following characteristics:

  • You are an expert sparring partner for customers: you have expertise in and experience with the Commercial Finance product and you focus on one or more specific sectors. You skilfully interpret customer needs in order to offer an appropriate solution. You are appropriately certified (QFM) or are willing to obtain certification in the near future.
  • You have broad banking experience. You have experience in lending to MidCorporate customers and are financially knowledgeable. You understand that ComFin is part of a total solution for the customer.
  • You are a strong team player. You are a member of various multidisciplinary teams including relationship managers, lending specialists, CLT and auditors with whom you jointly deliver flawless service to our customers and prospects.
  • You are communicatively strong (fluent Dutch is a requirement) and sales-driven. You are capable of persuading both customers and ING colleagues of the benefits of a ComFin solution.
  • You actively respond to opportunities you see in the market and think outside the box. You react quickly in deal processes with customers and when coordinating with debt advisers and internally with risk.

Your remuneration

A 40-hour job and a unique offer that matches modern life.

The benefits of working for ING are:

  • a salary commensurate with your qualities and experience;
  • a salary between €4367 and €7088 (36 hours) based on your experience;
  • a contribution to the individual savings scheme (Bijdrage Individueel Sparen, BIS) of 3.5% of your gross annual salary;
  • 8% holiday pay;
  • thirteenth month;
  • flexible working hours and the option of working from home;
  • an allowance for your travel expenses, or a lease car;
  • 24 days of paid holiday for a 36-hour working week. If you work 40 hours a week, you are entitled to 27 days of holiday;
  • pension accrual;
  • personal growth and challenging work with limitless opportunities to fulfil your ambitions.

Your application?

We look forward to receiving it! Who are you? What are your ambitions? Use the application button to let us know. If you have further questions about the position of Commercial Finance specialist, please contact the recruiter. You will receive a prompt response to your application. We may invite you to an interview at a time convenient to you. There will be several interviews to make sure we can get to know each other well.

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Vragen? Stel ze aan
Doreen Lukkien


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